What the hell sometimes, magazine people?
Personally, Faith Hill was sexy before you gave her the anatomy of Gumby. Photo manipulation on magazine covers is not always a bad thing. So what, JLo had a zit and they buffed it out. That's not the problem. the problem is giving women (and men) impossible bodies for the sake of making them look 'model-y'. Magazine dudes, models have bones too, alright? Alright.
It's rather ridiculous, what these people do. Look at Faith up there. They made her arm a toothpick, botoxed her face, gave her another arm, and curved her back. (Why would you want a more curved back? Mmm, them back humps be MIGHTY SEXY.) I understand smoothing out the skin, but when you edit everything else, it takes away the human element of the model, the beautiful element.
So magazine people.
Stop being stupid.